Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Sending a campaign for approval

Send a campaign for approval so that it can be checked before the campaign is run.


  1. With the campaign complete and set up in Campaign Manager, click the Approvals button in the Campaign Overview tab, or click on the Approvals and Notes icon in Campaign View.

The Approvals button does not appear in the Campaign Overview tab until the campaign is saved.

  1. In the Approvals and Notes screen, click the drop-down arrow in the Approval Group field to select an approval group to approve the campaign.

This sends an email to all members of the approval group advising that they have a campaign waiting approval.

  1. Enter any required notes in the Note field.
  2. Click Request Approval.

The campaign now enters a state of Pending Approval. While the campaign is in this state it is locked, and therefore no edits can be made to it. If any edits are required, click the Withdraw Approval Request button and the campaign moves back into an editing state. You can now make any necessary changes then resubmit the campaign for approval.


Requesting approval also runs a validation check on your campaign. However this is not as comprehensive as the validation that is carried out when you click the Validate button in Campaign Manager, and is not intended to be used as a substitute for this button. If the campaign fails validation in Approvals and Notes, a message is displayed at the top of the screen and the campaign must be resubmitted for approval after the issues are resolved. The Approvals process does not lock the audience selected by the user setting it up, it simply locks the rules selected before approval is initially sought. It is recommended that the approvers and those setting up the campaigns have identical permissions, except the Campaign approval permission. This allows the approvers to view the campaign the same way it was set up by the user.

See Best Practice Guide - Campaign Approvals for further information on the Approvals Process Flow.

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